Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Twelfth Take: Episode 62

**Fixed**. Sorry, we took down this episode after realizing we uploaded a version with a chunk missing. Also, apologies in advanced for technical difficulties. We dealt with a lot and tried to clean it up as much as we could. Regardless, we talk some more NBA playoffs in this episode.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Twelfth Take: Episode 60

In this episode, we give out our NBA awards. It was a great podcast last year and we hope its even better this year. If you like it, make sure to get your friends to listen as well.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Twelfth Take: Episode 59

In this episode, we talk a bunch of sports. First, we talk the NBA tank race. Then we talk in order: Kawhi, Cooks, baseball, and lastly, Villanova.